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It is all about making learning fun and meaningful. Those days are not far behind us when a typical school day involved listening to a lesson, taking bulky notes, reading from the textbook and completing daily assignments. Now we move from traditional teaching to modern teaching methodologies.
It is a computer based classroom learning solution developed to assist teachers and schools to effectively deliver subject knowledge in an interactive, fun-filled manner in the classroom. At present DIEMS digital classroom solution is tailor-made for CBSE board syllabi. If you are concerned about the performance of your students, their level of interest in the class and the retention capacity, then DIEMS digital classroom is an ideal solution for your school.
It is a comprehensive solution for effective and interactive teaching-learning. DIEMS digital classroom contents are completely mapped to CBSE board syllabi and guidelines. The guideline gives details of classes per topic, time allocated and examination pattern. In addition to English, our content is available in the other regional languages like Marathi & Hindi. The teacher can plan the entire syllabus chapter by chapter. The lesson plan gives complete details like chapter objectives, background, time required to complete the lesson, reference books and articles and much more. You can also modify the lesson plan as per your requirement.
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) - CCE refers to a system of school based assessment that covers all aspects of student’s development. Our software helps the schools to manage the various mandatory requirements with regards to CCE as prescribed by the CBSE.
DIEMS Digital class room can be summarized in one statement : “Modern Teaching with Easy Learning…!”
"Books are a person's best friend", with this notion in mind, DIEMS try to develop students' interest in reading good material. Being one of the top schools in Nashik District, we provide the facility of a spacious an up to date library to our students.
There are more than 2,500+ books in the library on various subjects and moreover the content is related to the school curriculum including numbers of newspapers, journals and magazines providing ample opportunities to the students to explore the unending world of learning. Besides the printed material the school is also fully digitize with subscription to many online journals. These are added on a regular basis with journals and periodicals on literature, science, social science, math and technology.
The added advantage is the usage of internet facility. The students are provided with library card, which allows them access to various resources. It serves as the center for student's intellectual growth and his overall development. Being specialists in their field, the DIEMS librarian helps the students to obtain the material of their interests and in coordination with the class teachers helps them to use it to their best.
DIEMS have a well-equipped and well-maintained computer section with 30+ computers with latest models of computers and software; which is fully equipped with adequate number of terminals with latest configuration with internet connectivity for the use of the students, teachers and staff working in the DIEMS.
Every effort is being made to utilize the available facilities and develop computer awareness in each and every student. Computer learning has been recognized as an essential and useful tool of modern learning. The computer lab is well monitored by qualified instructors and every aspect of computer education is provided.
Each student is paid individual attention. In this age of Information Technology, an early exposure to basics of computer readies every child for the future and also helps the child to overcome any inhibitions they could have towards computer usage.
DIEMS have well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments. Designed and spread over large functional areas, the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Laboratories ensure safety measures. These labs are fully equipped to meet the curriculum demands and requirements for practical in all the 3 areas of learning allowing students complete hands on experience. Every year latest instruments, specimens, charts etc. are purchased for these laboratories.
We give a proper knowledge to the students to learn science by performing experiments, thus giving them not only the pleasure of "learning by doing" but also rendering the subject enjoyable and easy to understand. DIEMS emphasizes to students that in general, statements should not be accepted as facts just because they are stated in a book. Instead, they should be verified by observations and rational conclusions drawn from such observations. It is through such an attempt that we hope to inculcate and nurture a scientific attitude among the school children.
DIEMS have well equipped Math lab. It is a place where students can learn and explore various mathematics concepts and verify various mathematical facts and theorems using variety of activities and it is well equipped with necessary kits and tools. It provides an opportunity to the students to understand and internalize the basic mathematical concepts through concrete objects and situations.
It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners. We are providing comprehensive additional learning solutions in mathematics with Abacus & Vedic Mathematics. It is helpful for students to solve the mathematics puzzles, questions in a fraction.
Music is an integral part of our life. It is the most relaxing diversion in our stressful life. Children of all ages love music classes. This activity starts right from the beginning classes. DIEMS has a special Music Auditorium Hall. We are providing easy & comprehensive training to our students in both – vocal & instrumental music.
Children are taught poems, songs in Marathi, Hindi and also English. Songs are also earmarked for special occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, National and Social Festivals. Students are trained in instruments according to their talent and ability.
The school has instruments like harmonium, flute, tabla, keyboard & various drums. An orchestra/band is formed of students who play various instruments and they are taught both Indian and western musical pieces. Teachers also conduct individual/group singing competitions among students.
Education System is effective only when it leads to overall development of a student. Sports & athletics is one of the integral part of Student's Total Development. DIEMS have large playing fields, which meet the requirements of all outdoor games. Facilities for indoor games are also provided. The number of boys and girls, who have benefited from these sports facilities, is indeed very large. This has enabled the DIEMS to build a strong foundation for sports and a sporting tradition, which has produced outstanding sportsmen in different games, many of whom have brought great distinction to the school and to themselves, at State and National level. School has very well-equipped gymnasium at the campus with various exercise equipment & body fitness tools for students, faculties as well as visitors who stays for a span at the school.